Personal Project 1 : 30 Days of Haiku.

July 14, 2019

This personal project is inspired by this blogpost by Courtney Symons. Haiku is a form of poetry which has three-lines. The first sentence has 5 syllables, the second has 7 syllables and the last one has 5 syllables. The number of syllables in a word is the number of times one can hear any of the vowels as separate sound. Moreover, I am planning to use a new word in each haiku from the Mirriam word-of-the-day calendar

Day 1 : Embezzle : To steal money you have been trusted with.

For embezzling funds
from children's down syndrome trust,
she was imprisoned

Day 2 : Torrid : Hot or passionate

A long torrid month
the famished farmer prays on
grey skies show mercy

Day 3 : Nosegay : A small bunch of flowers

wait for someone to
get you silly nosegays or
plant your own garden

Day 4 : Auxiliary : Providing supplementary assistance

she found solace as
an auxiliary nanny
in an orphanage

Day 5 : Provender : Food or victuals

my mule is strong enough
to carry coal along with
its own provender

Day 6 : Speculate : to form ideas or theories about something

Oversharing makes
you look moronic. Let the
others speculate

Day 7 : Gnomic : Characterized by aphorism

Read her gnomic note
tormented by depression
she had killed herself

Day 8 : Cogent : Appealing forcibly to the mind or reason

Corrupt parties make
cogent promises they do
not intend to keep

Day 9 : Redaction : An act or instance of editing or removing

A person cannot
redact his past; but he can
define his future

Day 10: Whinge : To complain fretfully

Whinging and loathing
to work on things that went wrong
signs of a bird brain

Day 11: Desideratum : something desired as essential

Delicious food,
good books desiderata
for a happy life

Day 12: Hapless : having no luck

see strangers as foe;
skeptical of their comrades;
hapless men, post-war.

Day 13: Undergird : to strengthen or support

luck is not random
I consistently work hard
to undergird luck

Day 14: Motley : made up of different people or things

motley group of tots
ignorant of the evil
laughing their hearts out

Day 15: Addlepated : confused or eccentric

crowded festival
addlepated men
causing a stampede

Day 16: Evince : to constitute outward evidence of

the tortured puppy
evinced hatred of humans
burn marks on its back

Day 17: Bildungsroman : a novel about a characters's coming of age

On a cosy couch
reading a bildungsroman
with some hot tea

Day 18: Calliope : a musical instrument like piano

Succulent dishes,
gay calliope music,
Festival is here!

Day 19: Fulgent : Dazzlingly bright

She sweat through the year
for company placement tests.
A fulgent future.

Day 20: Kowtow : to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect

Kowtowing beggars-
make me sad; Unemployment
highest in three years.

Day 21: Xenophobia : Fear of anything that is strange or foreign