Do it now : A promise to myself.

December 13, 2018

Okay, so here I am, almost half way through the senior undergraduate year of college. But I feel I am missing out on certain things.
I need to resume doing things I love, like- learning how to play my guitar, read more, spend quality time with my friends as well as family. But, I also have some challenging goals that I need to accomplish by the end of this academic year. This puts me in a dilemma.

There is nothing so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task.

Let me talk about the Personality Theory a bit. It states that there are two contrasting types of personalities : Type A and Type B. Type A are the highly competitive people who are ambitious, focused, workaholics and HATE losing. Type B, in contrast, consists of the “chilled out” people who like exploring ideas but focus on savoring life’s joys.

I am trying to mould my personality into a perfect blend of the two, i.e, keeping a burning ambition alive in me as well as enjoying life, but this hasn’t been working out well lately. This is because I have been procrastinating a lot.

Procrastinating is the thief of time.

I need to break this bad habit that keeps holding me back in life. In this blog, I promise myself that I am not going to run away from things that need to be done and from the ones that I really care about.

A year from now, you wish you had started today.